ALC Digital

According to the SoLocal barometer, the purchase decision is the price after consulting customer reviews. The results of their studies clearly show that 80% of French people are influenced by customer reviews before buying. This says a lot about the true role and impact of a customer review on your SEO score. Natural referencing takes time and requires a lot of patience, in the meantime, 5 or 10 reviews a day are always good. In addition, it informs Google about the notoriety of your site, and indexing will therefore be to your advantage.

An explosion for your conversion rate

In e-commerce, the conversion rate simply refers to the relationship between the number of sessions, as well as the number of transactions. This being expressed as a percentage, it represents the people who visit your site and turn into buyers. The objective of any trader is first to sell, but also to build customer loyalty in order to develop his business. But customer reviews are influenced by several factors that you should not overlook. Many people who are new to this business think that if they have traffic, they will make more sales. Which is completely utopian.

However, it is important to collect as many positive reviews as possible, as this will obviously allow you to sell faster. If you develop a strong enough customer strategy, you will be able to see huge changes in the habits of your customers. A company of SEO web will guide you in your quest for reviews to increase your conversion rate.

taux de conversion explose
coup de pousse SEO

A push for your natural referencing

Customer reviews unconditionally boost your SEO by bringing something extra, which will allow you to be easily detectable. Search engines like Google or Bing are not difficult to understand. You just have to respect certain recommendations to be at the top of the ladder. If applicable, customer reviews are in 5th place in Google's criteria for ranking your website. If before you thought it was just filler on the canvas, we advise you to quickly change your mind! Our digital communication agency is at your disposal if you need to develop your customer strategy. The content writing and its optimization for users and search engines is helpful. But you have to be able to retain them to the point of leaving a positive opinion for your website.

Low cart abandonment rate

E-commerce sites number in the thousands these days, so to succeed in this environment you must be patient. When someone arrives on your site and then abandons a cart, you need to take action quickly. Inserting customer reviews in the strategic corner of your site can clearly bring this lost sheep back to you as its shepherd. As you will have understood, convincing by the ergonomics of your site is good, but using customer reviews can tip the scales in your favor. It is important to make the difference, a plus in the mind of the Internet user. This is because he is spoiled for choice.

Moreover, even if your site is very attractive, negative opinions are not far from you. N’ayez pas peur et ayez des réponses à toutes les préoccupations. Si une autre personne consulte les avis et voit que vous répondez aux critiques, elle se sentira plus rassurer, car vous êtes disponible. Otherwise, she will form an idea of you that you are not trustworthy. Do not hesitate to contact our specialized agency for the management of your customer reviews for your natural referencing

mini panier avec des cartons sur laptop

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